“Nurith is singularly adept at creating space and weight with a few lines of black on white”
Curriculum Vitae
1983 - Present: Residence in Denmark
1981-1983: Residence in Germany
1964 - 1980: Israel, primary, secondary school and Academy of Art
1960-1964: Family residence in Nigeria and Ethiopia.
1955: Born in Jerusalem, Israel
2004: Classical Drawing, Viborg School for Animation, Denmark
2002: Psychology, Silkeborg Teachers’ College
1992 - 1993: School for Graphic Arts, Aarhus, Denmark
1976 - 1980: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Academy of art ’Bezalel’ Jerusalem, Israel
Museums Exhibitions
2020: Silkeborg Museum
2020: KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad
2018 - 2019: Saatchi Gallery, London, Screen presentation
2018: Kirsten Kjær Museum, DK
2018: Art Center Silkeborg Bad ” between space” Group exhibition, DK
2016: KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad, KKS installation
2015: Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, DK, group exhibition
2015: Art Center Silkeborg Bad; separat exhibition, DK
2011: The Museum of National History, Frederiksborg Castel, DK
2010: Women museum, Aarhus, DK
2010: City museum Aarhus, DK
2008: Frederikshavn Art museum, DK
2007: Paper museum, Silkeborg, DK.
2005: Dithmarscher Landesmuseum, Meldorfer Culturprice 2005, Germany
2005: Sallingsund Museum, group exhibition
2000: Art Center Silkeborg Bad; separat exhibition, DK
1992: Women museum, Aarhus; ’ITJE’ teater and exhibition, Pregnancy and Childbirth
2019: Gadekunst Festival
2018: Kreativ workshop med 70 pædagoger.
2018: Asger Jorn at Sølyst school, Silkeborg, DK
2016: Bakkeladets school, Grædstrup, DK
2016: Silkeborg city municipality.
2016: Bakkelandets Privet School, Grædstrup, DK
2014: Sølyst school, Silkeborg. DK
2013: Sølyst school, Silkeborg ”Dreams”
2012: TH langs school, indoor decoration
2007: Silkeborg, Denmark: Mural (indoor)
2007: Flag installation, Silkeborg Papirfabrikken
1998: Silkeborg, Denmark: Mural
1993-1994: Bryrup Turistbureau, Bryrup, Denmark: Attrium Garden
1990-1991: Community Canter ’Toftevang’, Them, Denmark
2009: Illustration for Silkeborg City government budget
2006: ”Grænser i Streg og Tanker” / Borders in Lines and Thoughts”
1995: UDSYN Nov. 2002: Spor: issue on Jewish influence in Danish and Swedish contemporary art. (Billede Galleriet), UDSYN December 2002 Cover Illustration
1994: Book Cover: Helen Gamborg / Het Onzichtbare in Genezing
2010: Knud Højgaard Fund
2006: Grænseforeningen, Denmark
2005: Knud Højgaard Fund
2005: VHS Bergish-Gladbach Germany Exhibition Grant
2002: Dansk-Israelsk Study Fund in Mem. of Josef and Regine Nachemsohn
2001: Knud Højgaard Fund
BKF.- Artists federation
KKS, Women Artist federation
ProKK- Society Kunstnerhus Aarhus, Denmark
Artist Group, ’SILKADEN’, Denmark
Artist Group, FAKTOR 13